On the 4th day of Science, my children came to me with an amazing board on pinterest!
Pinterest often has many great ideas. I try not to get sucked in to searching because I have so many other things to do, but occasionally I will visit pinterest for ideas. This week I found a fabulous board with an array of activities for preschool-4th grade. The owner of the board is a homeschooling mom and amazingly her board is called Hands-on Science. Note: I did not steal her title!
So, without further adieu, the pinterest board is found here.
Some activities you might find hidden on it include a recipe for oobleck along with exploration suggestions,
nature study ideas for May, and a model of photosynthesis and a model of a rain cloud. Take a moment and browse. It might spark your science creativity!
Here are some pictures of the model raincloud my family did.
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